
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 126-127: La Paz to Mazatlan via Ferry

October 26-27, 2014

There are few certainties about bicycle touring, but I think I can be certain about this: You will accumulate a massive Karma debt. Our La Paz hosts, Jerry and Celine, were incredibly kind to us: hot breakfasts, hot dinners, food recommendations, and a snorkeling guide connection that was superior in every way to the company we had originally planned to go with. Jerry had even more recommendations, but we didn't take him up on all of them. 

So a big thanks to Jerry and Celine for helping us to maximize our time spent in La Paz!

But it was time for us to continue to the mainland, and so we said goodbye and made our way to the ferry. 

This ferry is much more oriented towards cargo transportation than tourism, like the British Colombia ferry. As such, we had to cram our bicycles into a small control room without touching any of the buttons, knobs or switches. And we had to leave room for Menno, Spencer, Kate, and a fourth German man who we would meet later.

A semi truck is backing into the tunnel in the middle. 

The ferry is an 16-18 hour ride that goes overnight, leaving at 5:00 pm. They provided dinner and breakfast, which was better than I expected. They played movies and so I watched Gravity, which everyone else told me was a ridiculous plot and too far fetched to be a good movie. I got caught up in it and was really excited. Then I saw a picture of the sunset I missed because I chose to watch the movie instead of going up on the sun deck and I got mad at myself. 

While everyone else slept in tents on the deck, I stayed inside to take advantage of the air conditioning. I slept in the chairs, but judging by my the foul mood I was in when we arrived in Mazatlan mid morning I did not sleep well.

The sleep was so poor and our ability to conquer our chores so diminished, we switched plans and got a hotel. Once again I was able to successfully save 50 pesos by bargaining it down! The hotel reminded me of a Mexican themed Hogwarts, beautiful and with lots of mysterious passageways and staircases to explore. And all of this was for less than 500 pesos, I think. There was a jankey cieling fan and the beds were a little worn, but no matter. for less than 50 bucks you can get 4 beds, wifi, and beautiful hallways, courtyards, and views.

You should see this thing in action. It is terrifying. We turned this fan off before sleeping under it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeesh that fan probably broke a record for most rotations. Looks rough.
