
Monday, November 24, 2014

Day 146-147: Sierra Gorda

 The Sierra Gorda is a place of incredible beauty. My first day I enjoyed sunny weather. 

Average view from road. 

Road to Cascade el Chuveye

Cascade El Chuveye

I didn't expect the park  for the waterfall to be used as a grazing grounds, but it is!

On my second day, I did not have good luck with the weather. As one would expect, it rained in the rainforest. Dense fog made visibility very poor, and the roads were slick. Add to those two conditions steep winding roads and traffic and things can get bad.

I did have good luck with people. I hadn't gone more than 3 miles when a truck stopped. Unlike the last truck that stopped for me, a scary stranger did not get out and tell me to get in. Instead, it was a warm showers host that I had messaged but was unable to stay with. He offered to take me to Xilitla, which was over 70 km away. Puro subido. So I cheated again, but I do not regret it at all because of the dangerous riding conditions, and because Rodrigo, the warm showers host, was so wonderful.

Basically, he has changed the scope of my trip. I have been thinking over when I want to end my trip, and how much money I want to have left over, and been worrying in general about being in a rush to get to Panama. Also I officially burned myself out of mountains. I want to avoid them like Ebola.

With Rodrigo's help, I changed my route through Mexico to include a little of the central Gulf coast, the Pacific coast again, and the southern mountains in Chiapas. I will not make it to Panama this trip, and I am happy with that. I would rather spend the remainder of my time and money enjoying Mexico than rushing to  an arbitrary destination.

Rodrigo and I drank coffee, made notes in my map, and talked cycling and Mexico. I am very glad we were able to meet up. I rode 3 total miles on my bike that day.

Town of Xilitla in fog and rain.

Before leaving, I got directions to a campground on a ravine. I paid 50 pesos and because no one else was there and it was raining, the owner let me stay in one of the primitive cabins.

An endearing little road leading to my campsite.

1 comment:

  1. So much has happened in this post, the scenery, cows, falls, the lift to avoid 'puro subido' & the personal intervention to change course away from Panama! Oh man!
