
Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 16 Whitehorse to 90 miles east of Whitehorse

July 7, 2014
60 miles

The moral for today is: Always eat enough food.

I skimped on breakfast and had to stop for lunch after only 12 miles of riding. I Then ate almost all my snacks, which were supposed to last for 3-4 days. I should not have made fun of Nick for buying what I thought was too many snacks in Whitehorse.

I made a promise to never ever deny myself food. I will not be ashamed to eat 2,000 calories in one sitting.

We met Tony, who is traveling to the guy we stayed with from Warm Showers. Since we knew he was coming our way, we freaked him out by calling out his name when we saw him approaching. He's from Victoria, Brittish Colombia, so if we go through there we will call him to meet up later. Right now it's not on our route, but maybe we will detour.

A woman from an RV also came up to us while we were getting water and snacks at an RV park. She seemed either crazy or drunk, and because she is from Wisconsin I must conclude that she is both. She found out we were from the surrounding states, and started talking about the Lions and the Vikings. Instead of seeing her situation as futile and just shutting up about Wisconsin and the Packers for one moment, she instead became even louder and more boastful. I could not care less about football but she was fulfilling the worst stereotypes I have about people from 'sconny, so I told her that Rogers will come around and end up with the Vikings, just like Favre. That really got her going.

It's beautiful out here.

We're also a ways from any towns or services.

That's kilometers. 10 km = 6.4 miles

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