56.5 miles
11.8 average mph
Hello from the highway!
Then we crossed this bridge, and Nick almost got ran over by a bunch of semis as he ran with his bike to the other side. I was lucky. No cars came while I was on it.
We met a northbound Australian, who reported seeing Shawn! The Australian said Shawn had thrown out a huge 2 kilo bag of rice alongside the road to "cut down on weight."
And we said to ourselves, "Yep, sounds like Shawn."
Good to hear Shawn is still doing well.
Had a flat tire, but we have patches and spare tubes for that. It just takes time to fix it, and then you have to eat a snickers bar to give yourself a moral boost afterwards.
You know you are in the middle of nowhere when the sign says "JUST 56 miles ahead"
The highway dips down into British Colombia for several km, so we get to be in British Colombia for tonight
I think the tourism bureau in BC may be run by 8 year olds graders studying adjectives. Or they had a write in campaign and drew them at random.
On this stretch of highway there is a very nice, free, campground.
It's really pretty if you are there. Trust me.
I just died of laughter when you said "the tourism bureau in BC may be run by 8 year olds graders studying adjectives"