
Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 20 Cassiar Highway

July 11
60 miles? Something like that.

Good morning from the Cassiar Highway, British Colombia!

Awoke to discover we slept in a strawberry patch. That is good, except that bears like berries and the Cassiar highway is not exactly wide enough for cyclists and bears to share the road comfortably.

For being the day after a 100 mile day, the legs were surprisingly strong. Took it easy, and took some long breaks at this park. We didn't go into the park, we just used the sign to lean against.

It's getting hot and my hair is getting extra sexy. The shirt is off, and we need to procure sunscreen. I will have to remind myself many times: even at $14 a bottle, sunscreen is still a much better value than skin cancer treatment.

They have so many mountains around here it isn't even a big deal to have a view like this. This is the new normal.

And we met a friend! Tom was about to lay down for the night when we found him. Tom is from New Zeland and has been all over the world for the last 2 years or so. He started his bike ride in Inuvit, YT and is headed south to Vancouver via a ferry to Vancouver Island. He is an expert on bear safety, and gave us many useful tips for dealing with grizzlies vs black bears. Turns out you do completely different things depending on which one it is. Who knew?

See him here in his "Hi-Vis," pedaling to the nearest "long-drop" because the egg-salad sandwhiches went "off" in the "chilibin" That's what they call the reflective vests, outhouses, going bad, and coolers in New Zeland. Crazy Kiwis.

We saw a porcupine. Never seen one before in my life!

The Cassiar offers no paint, no shoulder, no gentle slopes, but it does have some spectacular views. We biked through several burn areas, and the pink and purple flowers growing beneath the blackened tree trunks were beautifully unique.

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