
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 115: San Ignacio to Santa Rosalia

October 15, 2014
San Ignacio to Santa Rosalia
45ish miles

Today marks the end of traveling with Antonie. He will be taking more time off than I am able to do, and so unfortunately we will have to part ways. He is ready to go and do Mexico on his own, and will be especially ready after a couple weeks of Spanish lessons under his belt from La Paz. Good luck Antonie!

From left to right: Philtrons, Antonie, Me
Fortunately for me, there are many groups of people riding through Mexico. For the next several weeks I will be traveling with the Philtrons!

But today I mostly rode with Spencer and Kate, who are pokey getting going in the morning, like me. I never thought I would be one of the pokey ones, but long distance bike tourers are even more up and at em than I am. 

The scenery went from good to great as we approached volcanic mountains, and went through a series of climbs to get a glimpse of the ocean!

Look at the ample amount of space the driver is giving him! Mexican drivers are by far the most friendly I've encountered. My arm gets more tired from waving back to friendly honks, waves, and thumbs up than from anything else. They wait patiently for a safe opportunity to pass you and often give you a thumbs up or a wave afterwards!

These mountains are called The Three Virgins Volcanoes. This brought us a philosophical conundrums: If they are virgins, does that mean that they have never erupted? And if a volcano never erupts, is it still a volcano? And from this, what does that say about humans....

This was part of the descent into Santa Rosalia. The steepness isn't really captured well here.

Terrible roads, great view.

At the plaza, drinking Horchata.... Wait. That's not how the song goes!

In one of my prouder moments I tried to get the hotel guy to lower the price of the rooms because there we would be taking 2 rooms for 2 nights. In the end I did get him to lower one of the rooms down from 500 to 450! But not the other because we were 3 people. Here's what 3 bikes and gear look like in a hotel room. I thought we'd feel cramped, but even with three people, bikes, and gear it feels spacious. It's safe to say I am used to living without "modern comforts."

Around Lake Taho I saw tons of bumper stickers that said "Keep Tahoe Blue." I still don't know what it's all about, but obviously it has to do with preserving Lake Tahoe. And so with that, I bring you the Mexican win of the day:

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