
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 72: General Grand Grove, Sequoia National Park

September 1, 2014
Day 72 Sequoia National Park: General Grant Grove

Good morning from General Grant Grove, in Sequoia National Park!

There are some massive trees in this park, and I'm told I haven't even seen the biggest group of them yet. 

To celebrate labor day, I will rest. Which, like rest day when I went whitewater rafting, means that I will be doing something active that is not biking.

General Grant Grove is just a short walk from the campground, so I ambled on over and got to see the world's third largest tree by volume. They are very quick to remind you of those technicalities like volume, height and girth, in this park. I get the feeling that there's some jealous competition between Sequoia national park and Redwood national park for biggest tree. Sequoias are biggest by volume, redwoods are biggest by height.

I counted 140ish rings before I got to the outer rings that were too hard to count. It's old. And not even nearly the oldest in the park.

I crawled under one of the sequoias. 

Here's General Grand in all his glory. 

It's funny how quickly you can get away from the hustle and bustle of the crowded areas by going on any hike over a mile away from the parking lot. I went on the meziadin Trail to a fire watchtower, and then looped over to Panoramic Point.

They also make very large pinecones

Yum yum a pineconecone!

I walked a nice little trail to a fire look out.

Also huge mushrooms.

This is a view into King's Canyon from Panoramic Point.

I have officially added Kings Canyon to my list of places to backpack to. I won't be able to go there this trip because I don't want to have to bike out of there... guess I'm lazy.

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